with our valued partners, clients & suppliers.
It is our objective to work in ways that impact our planet positively.
The Abbey Group meets our need for goods, services, works and utilities by choosing solutions that minimize any negative impact on the environment throughout their life-cycle, as compared to alternative products/solutions. We consider carefully which products, services or works are the most suitable on the basis both of their environmental impact and other factors, such as the information available, what is on the market, the technology, costs and viability.
Our Green Purchasing and Procurement Policy states the principles to which the Abbey Group must adhere purchasing goods and services, for example, our committed actions - as follows;
We work closely with suppliers who have environmental certification or verifiable positive environmental credentials.
We engage with businesses who measure and have developed their tools for key performance indicators (KPIs) around their impacts including (but not limited to) energy, water and waste consumption/generation and carbon emissions.
We are committed to supporting our community and choose suppliers who make responsible commitments toward their local communities.
We as a Group favour suppliers who limit waste (particularly non-recyclable waste), as business requirement.
As a Leading Fairtrade certified workplace, we also advocate responsible purchasing and ethical trading, environmentally certified products and where the use of local, regional, cruelty free and organic produce is promoted.
We support suppliers and partners who carefully consider and limit the use of chemicals in their operation be it agricultural (food production), horticultural, pesticides, cleaning product and weed control.
Working closely with those who will limit use of single use plastic or disposable items in their offering as we do the same presently with readiness and in support of EU Single Use plastic ban directive 2021
Suppliers and partners who provide drinking water without charge to customers (to include refilling customers’ drinking vessels) are favoured as per Refill.ie
We work closely with suppliers whose people are fully trained and engaged in delivering on our environmental objectives and targets
We welcome the opportunity to evaluate all proposals submitted by suppliers according to a set of criteria covering quality, performance and sustainable development
We are delighted to say that our Edinburgh Office achieved Green Tourism Certification at Bronze Level in 2019, This was followed by our London achieving similar certification in February 2020.
Our Dublin office has been awarded Eco Tourism Ireland Certification at Bronze Level.
Further information on the Green Tourism Organisation can be found here - https://www.green-tourism.com/pages/home
Further information on Eco Toruism Ireland can be found here - http://www.ecotourismireland.ie/